Prodaja stanova Petrovaradin - Petrovaradin -

+381 (0)63 540702

MOJ DOM -Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Grad:Petrovaradin - Petrovaradin
Tip objekta:Stanovi
Površina:72 m2
Tip Prodaje:Prodaja
agency image


Broj u registru: 174


Opis stana:

Odlučite se za prepoznatljiv kvalitet u blizini tvrđave, Fruške gore, Dunava, Starog grada... Parket – Hrastov višeslojni parket, sa parket lajsnama, visine do 8 cm. Sigurnosna vrata – Sigurnosna vrata su prve klase, visine 205 cm, širine 90 cm. Dizajn ulaznih vrata u stanove se uklapa u koncept čitavog objekta. Sobna vrata – Unutrašnja stolarija je od medijapana sa magnetnim bravama, visine 220 cm. Keramika – Jedna od najbitnijih elemenata našeg enterijera, s toga se uvek odlučujemo za uvoznu keramiku, prve klase. Sanitarije – U kombinaciji sa keramikom jednako posvećujemo pažnju izboru sanitarija kako bi se upotpunio izgled kupatila. Ugrađuju se uvozne sanitarije, prve klase. Tuš kabine – Već nekoliko godina se vodimo primerom tuš kabina koji oduševljava sa svojom elegancijom. Tuš kabine su oivičene staklenom stenom ili staklenim kliznim vratima. Pod kabine se radi u keramici čime se postiže i pad prema linijskom slivniku, bez kadice. Elegantan detalj, jednostavan za održavanje. Lift – Liftovi su električni, bešumni, unutrašnjost lifta je u vezi sa čitavim konceptom zgrade, sa detaljima koji se pojavljuju kako na fasadi tako i u zajedničkim prostorima. Spoljna stolarija – Dominantna spoljna stolarija je PVC, gde su prozori i svi otvori atipičnih većih dimenzija kako bi se postigao što lepši ambijent, sa mnogo svetlosti. Fasada – Fasada, kao najbitniji element svake arhitekture, i ovog puta će biti oplemenjena fasadnom opekom koja svojom rustičnom, a ujedno i modernom notom stvara kontrast u završnoj obradi površine i time stvara određenu dinamiku arhitektonske forme. Ograde – Staklene transparentne ograde koje upotpunjuju sam izgled fasade deo su terasa na kojima ćete moći da uživate. Grejanje – Toplina vašeg budućeg doma je veoma bitna, s toga se mi trudimo da uvek imate komfor u stanu koji je neophodan. Grejanje u ovom objektu će biti na gas sa aluminijumskim radijatorima, što vam obezbeđuje efikasniji sistem grejanja kako sa ekonomskog aspekta tako i sa aspekta temperature koja se postiže u u prostoru. Šifra: 1026481 (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) Choose recognizable quality near the fortress, Fruška Gora, Danube, Old Town... Parquet - Oak multilayer parquet with skirting boards, up to 8 cm in height. Security doors - The security doors are first class, 205 cm tall, 90 cm wide. The design of the entrance doors to the apartments fits into the concept of the entire building. Interior doors - The interior carpentry is made of medium-density fiberboard with magnetic locks, 220 cm tall. Ceramics - One of the most important elements of our interior, which is why we always opt for imported ceramics, first class. Sanitary ware - In combination with ceramics, we equally pay attention to the selection of sanitary ware to complete the look of the bathroom. Imported sanitary ware of the first class is installed. Shower cabins - For several years now, we have been following the example of shower cabins that impress with their elegance. Shower cabins are bordered by glass panels or glass sliding doors. The floor of the cabins is made of ceramics, achieving a slope towards the linear drain, without a tray. An elegant detail, easy to maintain. Elevator - The elevators are electric, noiseless, and the interior of the elevator is connected to the overall concept of the building, with details that appear both on the facade and in common areas. Exterior carpentry - The dominant exterior carpentry is PVC, where windows and all openings are of atypical larger dimensions to create a more beautiful ambiance with plenty of light. Facade - The facade, as the most important element of every architecture, will once again be adorned with facade bricks that provide a rustic yet modern touch, creating a contrast in the final surface finish and thus adding a certain dynamism to the architectural form. Fences - Transparent glass fences that complement the facade itself are part of the terraces where you will be able to enjoy. Heating - The warmth of your future home is very important, so we strive to always provide you with the necessary comfort in the apartment. The heating in this building will be gas-powered with aluminum radiators, ensuring a more efficient heating system both from an economic perspective and in terms of the achieved temperature in the space. (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) ŠIFRA 1026481(Moj Dom nekretnine,Novi Sad,

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Opremanje Stana
Osiguranje Nekretnine

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Mi brinemo za za Vašu bezbednost

+381 24 670 888

Nameštaj za vaš dom

Osigurajte vaš dom


MOJ DOM -Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481
Grad:Petrovaradin - Petrovaradin
Tip objekta:Stanovi
Površina:72 m2
Tip Prodaje:Prodaja
agency image


Broj u registru: 174


Opis stana:

Odlučite se za prepoznatljiv kvalitet u blizini tvrđave, Fruške gore, Dunava, Starog grada... Parket – Hrastov višeslojni parket, sa parket lajsnama, visine do 8 cm. Sigurnosna vrata – Sigurnosna vrata su prve klase, visine 205 cm, širine 90 cm. Dizajn ulaznih vrata u stanove se uklapa u koncept čitavog objekta. Sobna vrata – Unutrašnja stolarija je od medijapana sa magnetnim bravama, visine 220 cm. Keramika – Jedna od najbitnijih elemenata našeg enterijera, s toga se uvek odlučujemo za uvoznu keramiku, prve klase. Sanitarije – U kombinaciji sa keramikom jednako posvećujemo pažnju izboru sanitarija kako bi se upotpunio izgled kupatila. Ugrađuju se uvozne sanitarije, prve klase. Tuš kabine – Već nekoliko godina se vodimo primerom tuš kabina koji oduševljava sa svojom elegancijom. Tuš kabine su oivičene staklenom stenom ili staklenim kliznim vratima. Pod kabine se radi u keramici čime se postiže i pad prema linijskom slivniku, bez kadice. Elegantan detalj, jednostavan za održavanje. Lift – Liftovi su električni, bešumni, unutrašnjost lifta je u vezi sa čitavim konceptom zgrade, sa detaljima koji se pojavljuju kako na fasadi tako i u zajedničkim prostorima. Spoljna stolarija – Dominantna spoljna stolarija je PVC, gde su prozori i svi otvori atipičnih većih dimenzija kako bi se postigao što lepši ambijent, sa mnogo svetlosti. Fasada – Fasada, kao najbitniji element svake arhitekture, i ovog puta će biti oplemenjena fasadnom opekom koja svojom rustičnom, a ujedno i modernom notom stvara kontrast u završnoj obradi površine i time stvara određenu dinamiku arhitektonske forme. Ograde – Staklene transparentne ograde koje upotpunjuju sam izgled fasade deo su terasa na kojima ćete moći da uživate. Grejanje – Toplina vašeg budućeg doma je veoma bitna, s toga se mi trudimo da uvek imate komfor u stanu koji je neophodan. Grejanje u ovom objektu će biti na gas sa aluminijumskim radijatorima, što vam obezbeđuje efikasniji sistem grejanja kako sa ekonomskog aspekta tako i sa aspekta temperature koja se postiže u u prostoru. Šifra: 1026481 (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) Choose recognizable quality near the fortress, Fruška Gora, Danube, Old Town... Parquet - Oak multilayer parquet with skirting boards, up to 8 cm in height. Security doors - The security doors are first class, 205 cm tall, 90 cm wide. The design of the entrance doors to the apartments fits into the concept of the entire building. Interior doors - The interior carpentry is made of medium-density fiberboard with magnetic locks, 220 cm tall. Ceramics - One of the most important elements of our interior, which is why we always opt for imported ceramics, first class. Sanitary ware - In combination with ceramics, we equally pay attention to the selection of sanitary ware to complete the look of the bathroom. Imported sanitary ware of the first class is installed. Shower cabins - For several years now, we have been following the example of shower cabins that impress with their elegance. Shower cabins are bordered by glass panels or glass sliding doors. The floor of the cabins is made of ceramics, achieving a slope towards the linear drain, without a tray. An elegant detail, easy to maintain. Elevator - The elevators are electric, noiseless, and the interior of the elevator is connected to the overall concept of the building, with details that appear both on the facade and in common areas. Exterior carpentry - The dominant exterior carpentry is PVC, where windows and all openings are of atypical larger dimensions to create a more beautiful ambiance with plenty of light. Facade - The facade, as the most important element of every architecture, will once again be adorned with facade bricks that provide a rustic yet modern touch, creating a contrast in the final surface finish and thus adding a certain dynamism to the architectural form. Fences - Transparent glass fences that complement the facade itself are part of the terraces where you will be able to enjoy. Heating - The warmth of your future home is very important, so we strive to always provide you with the necessary comfort in the apartment. The heating in this building will be gas-powered with aluminum radiators, ensuring a more efficient heating system both from an economic perspective and in terms of the achieved temperature in the space. (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) ŠIFRA 1026481(Moj Dom nekretnine,Novi Sad,

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Stambeni krediti
Alarmni sistemi
Opremanje Stana
Osiguranje Nekretnine

Zaštitite svoj dom


Mi brinemo za za Vašu bezbednost

+381 24 670 888

Nameštaj za vaš dom

Osigurajte vaš dom


MOJ DOM -Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481

Stan,PETROVARADIN,PETROVARADIN,kv: 72, € 146800, ID: 1026481
Grad:Petrovaradin - Petrovaradin
Tip Objekta:Stanovi
Površina:72 m2
Tip Prodaje:Prodaja




Opis stana:

Odlučite se za prepoznatljiv kvalitet u blizini tvrđave, Fruške gore, Dunava, Starog grada... Parket – Hrastov višeslojni parket, sa parket lajsnama, visine do 8 cm. Sigurnosna vrata – Sigurnosna vrata su prve klase, visine 205 cm, širine 90 cm. Dizajn ulaznih vrata u stanove se uklapa u koncept čitavog objekta. Sobna vrata – Unutrašnja stolarija je od medijapana sa magnetnim bravama, visine 220 cm. Keramika – Jedna od najbitnijih elemenata našeg enterijera, s toga se uvek odlučujemo za uvoznu keramiku, prve klase. Sanitarije – U kombinaciji sa keramikom jednako posvećujemo pažnju izboru sanitarija kako bi se upotpunio izgled kupatila. Ugrađuju se uvozne sanitarije, prve klase. Tuš kabine – Već nekoliko godina se vodimo primerom tuš kabina koji oduševljava sa svojom elegancijom. Tuš kabine su oivičene staklenom stenom ili staklenim kliznim vratima. Pod kabine se radi u keramici čime se postiže i pad prema linijskom slivniku, bez kadice. Elegantan detalj, jednostavan za održavanje. Lift – Liftovi su električni, bešumni, unutrašnjost lifta je u vezi sa čitavim konceptom zgrade, sa detaljima koji se pojavljuju kako na fasadi tako i u zajedničkim prostorima. Spoljna stolarija – Dominantna spoljna stolarija je PVC, gde su prozori i svi otvori atipičnih većih dimenzija kako bi se postigao što lepši ambijent, sa mnogo svetlosti. Fasada – Fasada, kao najbitniji element svake arhitekture, i ovog puta će biti oplemenjena fasadnom opekom koja svojom rustičnom, a ujedno i modernom notom stvara kontrast u završnoj obradi površine i time stvara određenu dinamiku arhitektonske forme. Ograde – Staklene transparentne ograde koje upotpunjuju sam izgled fasade deo su terasa na kojima ćete moći da uživate. Grejanje – Toplina vašeg budućeg doma je veoma bitna, s toga se mi trudimo da uvek imate komfor u stanu koji je neophodan. Grejanje u ovom objektu će biti na gas sa aluminijumskim radijatorima, što vam obezbeđuje efikasniji sistem grejanja kako sa ekonomskog aspekta tako i sa aspekta temperature koja se postiže u u prostoru. Šifra: 1026481 (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) Choose recognizable quality near the fortress, Fruška Gora, Danube, Old Town... Parquet - Oak multilayer parquet with skirting boards, up to 8 cm in height. Security doors - The security doors are first class, 205 cm tall, 90 cm wide. The design of the entrance doors to the apartments fits into the concept of the entire building. Interior doors - The interior carpentry is made of medium-density fiberboard with magnetic locks, 220 cm tall. Ceramics - One of the most important elements of our interior, which is why we always opt for imported ceramics, first class. Sanitary ware - In combination with ceramics, we equally pay attention to the selection of sanitary ware to complete the look of the bathroom. Imported sanitary ware of the first class is installed. Shower cabins - For several years now, we have been following the example of shower cabins that impress with their elegance. Shower cabins are bordered by glass panels or glass sliding doors. The floor of the cabins is made of ceramics, achieving a slope towards the linear drain, without a tray. An elegant detail, easy to maintain. Elevator - The elevators are electric, noiseless, and the interior of the elevator is connected to the overall concept of the building, with details that appear both on the facade and in common areas. Exterior carpentry - The dominant exterior carpentry is PVC, where windows and all openings are of atypical larger dimensions to create a more beautiful ambiance with plenty of light. Facade - The facade, as the most important element of every architecture, will once again be adorned with facade bricks that provide a rustic yet modern touch, creating a contrast in the final surface finish and thus adding a certain dynamism to the architectural form. Fences - Transparent glass fences that complement the facade itself are part of the terraces where you will be able to enjoy. Heating - The warmth of your future home is very important, so we strive to always provide you with the necessary comfort in the apartment. The heating in this building will be gas-powered with aluminum radiators, ensuring a more efficient heating system both from an economic perspective and in terms of the achieved temperature in the space. (Moj Dom nekretnine, Novi Sad, 174) ŠIFRA 1026481(Moj Dom nekretnine,Novi Sad,

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Opremanje Stana

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Mi brinemo za vašu bezbednost. +381 24 670 888

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Osigurajte vaš dom
